What is somatic trauma resolution


We take time to witness, respect and co-operate with the deep intelligence in our physiology.

We work with the smallest doable piece and moment by moment introduce layers of non-invasive support and resources. Through this, we can witness the embodied ‘trauma responses’ soften, unwind and re-organise — in their own timing.

This happens when we have created conditions where the body feels safe enough to not have its security system online. Both in session and then this spills out into LIFE.

Trauma responses are part of the body's natural intelligence.

They hold secrets as to what was missing and what was needed. We can think of them as the body's security alarm, or valiant protectors — this system is there to protect us and keep us safe. In times of great threat these natural autonomic functions of our physiology save our lives.

The body’s autonomic nervous system knows how to heal. It’s this physiological intelligence that makes the blood clot to heal a cut, and naturally orients us towards healing.

We’re actually not so different to plants — they naturally orient towards the sun, even if we place them in areas where the sunlight is hard to reach. Our bodies are like this with healing: they naturally know how to gravitate and move towards growth, healing, and health. This is your blueprint of wholeness.

Tapping into this innate wholeness, into the resources held within our blueprint, we can metabolize the embodied trauma imprints.

When we are in a trauma response, we become single point focussed on how to fix, find solutions, get back to safety.

The brain becomes like a one track mind or a one way channel totally focussing on the potential threat, what is wrong, or what appears to be the problem. This type of one track mind will not support us to find resolution in fact it can often keep us looping in the threat response.

For trauma response patterns that are stuck and become imprints, what we do in somatic trauma resolution is broaden our view out to include accessible resources, whatever we can feel connection to that feels stable, supportive, already whole, or part of our blueprint.

This brings more ease, calm, support and regulation into our system. From this place we can work WITH the embodied threat response, rather than being totally in it, and putting our system back into overwhelm.